Топ съвети за намаляване на напрежението на очите при работа от вкъщи.

Top tips to reduce eye strain while working fro...

Working from home has changed the way we interact with screens, often increasing our daily exposure. Extended screen time without the right precautions can lead to significant eye strain. Here...

Top tips to reduce eye strain while working fro...

Working from home has changed the way we interact with screens, often increasing our daily exposure. Extended screen time without the right precautions can lead to significant eye strain. Here...

Как синята светлина влияе на съня ви и как да го поправите!

How blue light affects your sleep and how to fi...

Rising rates of sleep issues are often attributed to late-night screen use, with blue light exposure being a major culprit. Blue light disrupts the natural sleep cycle by reducing melatonin...

How blue light affects your sleep and how to fi...

Rising rates of sleep issues are often attributed to late-night screen use, with blue light exposure being a major culprit. Blue light disrupts the natural sleep cycle by reducing melatonin...

Защо очилата за компютър са от съществено значение в днешния дигитален свят?

Why are computer glasses essential in today's d...

In today’s tech-driven world, screens are not only an integral part of work but also of our social connections and entertainment. This constant exposure to digital devices brings a significant...

Why are computer glasses essential in today's d...

In today’s tech-driven world, screens are not only an integral part of work but also of our social connections and entertainment. This constant exposure to digital devices brings a significant...

Науката зад синята светлина и нейното въздействие върху здравето на очите.

The science behind blue light and its impact on...

As screen time becomes more prevalent, so do concerns about the health implications of blue light exposure. Studies suggest that the high-energy visible (HEV) light emitted by screens may be...

The science behind blue light and its impact on...

As screen time becomes more prevalent, so do concerns about the health implications of blue light exposure. Studies suggest that the high-energy visible (HEV) light emitted by screens may be...